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I. About the School
Q. What is the most upholding philosophy of SHSID? What is the core value SHSID esteems the most in terms of education, or put in a different way, what kind of people does SHSID want students to become?
A: SHSID is an international school run by Chinese administrators. On the one hand, we pass on the most up-to-date knowledge and culture; on the other, we promote Chinese culture to help international students have a better understanding and affinity to the Chinese culture.
We never tell parents what kind of students we want to cultivate; we try our best to provide different platforms for different students, because every student is a unique individual. If we had to give a totalizing answer as to what kind of students we want to cultivate, then we would say we want to foster global citizens cognizant of Chinese culture.
Q: The curriculum and extracurricular activities seem to put emphasis on the combination of Western and Chinese cultures, so under the influence of both cultures, what would students turn out to be?
A: In terms of the curriculum, we run the American-based curriculum. In Grades 11-12, we also provide IBDP, AP,AS & A-Level courses. Considering teaching and administration, we absorb the strong points of the East and the West. For example, under the impact of Chinese culture, teachers lay stress on discipline, the reception and comprehension of knowledge and drill, while the Western culture emphasizes more interaction, doubt, discussion, and cooperation.
Students would benefit greatly from such a learning and living environment. We encourage students to actualize personal growth through the platforms we provide them to explore their interests. We don' t expect a "successful person" in the most vulgar sense; on the contrary, if the student is into music, then becoming a happy DJ is also a land of success as we see it.
从课程设置上来讲我们是类美国课程,到了 11-12 年级增设IB课程、AP 课程、AS & A-Level课程。但在教学和管理方面,我们确实发挥东西方两方的优势。东方强调学习的规范、接受、理解、训练等方面,西方强调互动、质疑、讨论、合作等方面。学生必将从这样的教学和生活环境中受益。学校最重视的是学生按照自己的兴趣、潜力等个体情况在学校提供的平台上实现个人的发展。我们不要求也不期望每个学生都成为一般人眼中的 “成功人士”,如果他喜欢音乐,做一个快乐的DJ也是成功的。
Q: Other than academic performance, what merits does the school see as most important?
A: The school encourages the well-rounded development of students, which means not only the accumulation of knowledge but also the development of the student as a person. To be more specific, you could get a glimpse of the comprehensiveness of knowledge students are supposed to grasp through our primary school, junior high school, and senior high school curriculum.
As for the development of students' personalities, we have all kinds of sports facilities, a drama center, annual IB/AP art work exhibitions, news reports and talk shows written, directed, and acted by the students themselves, etc. The school has nearly a hundred students spontaneously organized student associations covering all fields of interest. All kinds of social service activities, sports teams, and artistic activities have also flourished.
人的个性发展——比如说,我们有各类体育设施、戏剧教室、年度 IB/AP 艺术画展、电视台学生自编自导自播新闻和脱口秀节目等。学校有近百个学生自发组织的覆盖各个兴趣领域的社团。各类社会服务活动、体育校队、艺术活动也都蓬勃发展。
Q: What activities with SHSID characteristics does the school hold every year?
A: The Charity Fair, Art Festival, Talent Show, Career Day, and so on are the traditional activities of the school every year. In addition, company visits, job shadows, ice projects, various science and innovation laboratories, science and innovation events, outdoor courses (such as the "survival training" series, "extreme challenge" series, "embracing nature" series, "self-discovery" series, etc.), art exhibition seasons, art galleries, school sports teams, service learning, and other activities provide students with various platforms to display and experience.
义卖会、艺术节、才艺秀、职业日等是学校每年的传统活动。除此之外,公司参访、影子学者、冰上项目、各类科创实验室、科创赛事、户外课程(如“生存训练”系列、“极限挑战”系列、“拥抱自然”系列、“自我发现”系列等)、艺术展演季、美术画廊、体育校队、服务性学习(service learning)等活动为学生提供了各种展示和体验的平台。
Q: Compared with non-publicly funded bilingual schools, what do you think is the most prominent characteristic of SHSID?
A: Other bilingual schools have their characteristics. The constitutions of students are different,and objectives are also different, so there' s no way to make comparisons between SHSID and other non-publicly funded bilingual schools. We have become truly internationalized both
in terms of what we believe in, but also in what we do. Students don't need to spend a period of time to fit into the environment because of the international environment is that of students from all over the world. There won' t be a problem of homogeneity. SHSID is a micro international community.
Q: Please briefly summarize the past, present and future of SHSID.
A: From its establishment in 1993 to the 20th anniversary in 2013, and then to the upcoming 30th anniversary, SHSID has gone through a passage from infancy to a school of great scale. Now, the school is on its way from big to strong to make it a world-class international school.
The power of China, the development of Shanghai, and the brand effect of Shanghai High School help to make SHSID what it is today, and conversely, SHSID also adds some influence to Shanghai High School in the international arena.
从1993年成立到 2013年二十周年,再到即将迎来的三十周年,上中国际部完成了从无到有,从小到大的发展历程。目前,学校正在朝从大到强的路上发展,真正做到世界一流的国际学校。中国的强大、上海的发展以及上海中学的品牌造就了上中国际部,反过来上中国际部也给上海中学带来了更大的国际影响力。
Q: What is the biggest difference between SHSID and other international schools?
A: We avoid comparisons with other international schools because we are unique. What make us unique are our garden-like campus environment, our unique homeroom teacher system, our up-to-date education philosophy, and the instillation of Chinese culture. Many foreign parents and parents from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan want to send their children to our school, and among them, many are elites of our society. A big thanks to our PTSA for the contributions they have made to SHSID.
II. About Admissions
Q: What quality does the school value the most in students in the admission process?
A: We have a comprehensive evaluation system to evaluate students' backgrounds, academic potential, communication skills, and character. The leveled course system at SHSID can make every student take courses that fit them the best. Individuality is what we cherish the most. Each class is composed of students of different personalities, and only in this way can a class be truly dynamic.
Q: What is the rate of acceptance?
A: Due to the policy constraint that only international students, including overseas students and students from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao can be admitted to SHSID, the rate of acceptance is fairly reasonable.
One out of 4-5 students is admitted to become a 1st grader, but sometimes the rate could be lower. As for other grades, the rate depends on the number of students who leave. Many parents come to consult about the admission policy, and it' s a pity that quite a few of their children can't come to SHSID due said policy. The school is crowded with students and parents during every admission test session.
因为入学门槛(外籍人员子女学校)的限制,我们的录取比例是控制在一个比较合理的水平, 一般新生一年级是 4-5个里面录取一个。遇到名额比较紧张的时候偶尔可能会出现竞争更激烈的情况。其他年级视离校人数而定,很难统计录取率。
III. About College Acceptances and College Counseling Services
Q: What can be said about the college acceptance rate of SHSID students?
A: SHSID has around 200 senior graduates each year. Among them, about 50% will go to colleges in the U.S., while the rest will go to the top universities in the U.K, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, China, and other countries or regions. With our growing international reputation, more and more graduates of SHSID have been accepted by top universities around the world.
For the college acceptance results of the Class of 2016, please click:
For the college acceptance results of the Class of 2022, please click:
For the college acceptance results of the Classes of 2019-2022, please click:
Q: Are college counseling services provided at SHSID?
A: The senior high school department has a special College Counseling Office, which provides a variety of high school personal growth programs to help each child explore his or her own characteristics and potential and apply to the most suitable universities.
You can click the "College Counseling" column on the "Academics" page of the school's official website: http://www.shsid.org/ for more detailed information.
您可点击学校官网: http://www.shsid.org/,“学业信息”中的“升学指导”栏目获得更详细的信息。
如有问题,欢迎致电:(86) 21-64765516